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in Support of Maintaining Columbia University's Ties to Israel.



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Maintaining Columbia University’s Ties to Israel

As members of the faculty of Columbia University, we are deeply concerned by the recent war between Israel and Hamas. In the wake of this sobering conflict, we write to express our commitment to the University’s ties with Israel. Our research and teaching missions benefit from these ties, and we encourage the University to build on them.

As a democracy with constitutional protections for the individual rights of all citizens, and as the home to great universities, Israel shares values, interests and aspirations with us. Columbia benefits from ties with Israeli faculty, students, research, and technology.

Zionism—Jewish nationalism—is a millennia-old tradition, deeply rooted in Jewish history and religious practice. It is also a more recent response to the tragic failure of the diaspora to produce freedom and safety for Jews living in most places in the world. The establishment of the state of Israel was a direct response to the Holocaust, but Zionism long predates the Holocaust, and Israel has provided refuge to Jews who needed it in many instances after the Holocaust. To treat Zionism as an illegitimate and fundamentally oppressive movement is to ignore history and to deny Jews a measure of empathy and respect. Many of us have relatives and friends in Israel who would not be alive if not for Zionism. We recognize that the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians is one between two people each of which has a legitimate claim to the same homeland. There have been many similar situations in the world, resolved sometimes tragically, sometimes successfully, usually somewhere in between.

This sort of conflict presents profoundly complicated issues. Indeed, we may not all agree with every policy of the Israeli government, just as the Israeli people have a range of views about the best path to a peaceful and secure coexistence with their neighbors.

Yet we at Columbia have a responsibility to recognize the complexity of the region’s politics and avoid ideologically charged language that is designed to inflame passions on both sides of the conflict. The mission of a great university is to explore and debate complex questions. We are at our best when we evaluate competing arguments, hone in on the facts, recognize nuances, and seek the truth.

We are not writing this letter to endorse any one approach to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but to stand up for a vision of the university. We are members of an academic community at one of the world’s great research universities. Columbia institutionally and Columbia scholars individually carry out the university’s and our profession’s basic mission of teaching and research all over the world, in a wide variety of political environments. We do so because we believe that free academic practice is a force for good.

Individual members of our community are of course welcome to make their own choices about where and with whom they engage, but to make all academic activities conditional on the policies of the government of any country where they take place would be severely limiting for the University. To apply the condition only to Israel, a democratic nation, with growing ties to other governments in the region, where Columbia’s academic activities are open to Israelis and Palestinians, would represent an unacceptably selective application of this highly problematic principle.

Proposing disengagement from Israel, in rhetoric that harshly characterizes the Jewish national project, has consequences here in New York too. At a moment when violent hate crimes, often including antisemitic violence, have erupted across the world, including here, it is all the more important for Columbia to model an environment in which students feel free to air competing perspectives on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

For all these reasons, we strongly affirm Columbia’s connection to Israel.

ADD YOUR NAME to the growing list of faculty members who value Columbia University's ties to Israel.

This statement is co-written by Columbia University faculty members of the Academic Engagement Network:

Ester Fuchs, Professor of International and Public Affairs and Political Science, SIPA and Political Science

Nicholas Lemann, Pulitzer-Moore Professor of Journalism and Dean Emeritus, Columbia Journalism School

David M. Schizer, Dean Emeritus & Harvey R. Miller Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

Matthew Waxman, Liviu Librescu Professor of Law, Columbia Law School

Initial signatories are members of the Academic Engagement Network:

Steven A. Cohen, Professor of Practice, SIPA, Earth Institute and Senior Vice Dean, School of Professional Studies

William Eimicke, Professor of Practice in International and Public Affairs, SIPA

Awi Federgruen, Charles E. Exley Professor of Management, Columbia Business School 

Chuck Freilich, Associate Professor (Adjunct), Department of Political Science

Trevor S. Harris, Arthur J. Samberg Professor Emeritus of Professional Practice in the Faculty of Business

Judith S. Jacobson, Adjunct Associate Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health 

Irving Kalet, Professor (Adjunct since 2004), Department of Electrical Engineering 

Ran Kivetz, Philip H. Geier Professor of Business, Columbia Business School 

Clifford Stein, Professor of IEOR and CS, Associate Director for Research, Data Science Institute

Additional Signatures:

Elizabeth Anisfeld, Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia College of Physicians & Surgeons

Mark Apfelbaum, Associate professor of Medicine, CUIMC

Paul Appelbaum, Dollard Professor of Psychiatry, Medicine & Law, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

Jeffrey Ascherman, Professor of Surgery, Columbia

Elias Bareinboim, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University

Ann Bartel, Professor of Business, Columbia University

Lisa Belzberg, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Bruce Kogut, Professor of Sociology & Graduate School of Business, Columbia University

Ralph Kreger, Jewish Staff Chaplain, Pastoral Care, Columbia Chaplain

Joel Berezow, Clinical Assistant Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia University Medical Center

Keren Bergman, Professor of EE, SEAS

Mitchell Berman, Adjunct Professor of Law, Medical Center

Saul J Berman, Professor of Anesthesiology, Law School

Nehama Bersohn, Lecturer of Mesaas, Retired faculty member

Marc Bessler, Professor of Surgery, P and S

Robert Best, Attending Physician of Emergency Medicine, Columbia

Jagdish Bhagwati, University Professor, Columbia

Daniel Bienstock, Professor of IEOR, Columbia University

Joan Birman, Professor Emeritus of Mathematics, Barnard College

Caryn Block, Professor of Organization & Leadership, Teachers College, Columbia University

Conrad Blum, Professor Emeritus of Medicine at CUIMC, Vagelos College of Physicians and surgeons

Philip Bobbitt, Herbert Wechsler Professor of Federal Jurisprudence, Columbia Univeristy

Fredric Bomback, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia Univ. Irving Medical Center

Russell Brandwein, PA Cards, Officer

Robert Braunstein, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Joel Brockner, Phillip Hettleman Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Sid Browne, Senior Research Scholar of Business, Columbia University

Steven Chaikelson, Professor of Theatre, School of the Arts

John Coffee, Adolf A. Berle Professor of Law, Columbia

David Cohen, Professor of Anthropology, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

Myron L Cohen, Daniel Midler-John A Catsimatidis Professor of Nephrology, Arts and Sciences

Andrew Einstein, Associate Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Kimberly Cooper, Associate Professor of Urology, CUIMC

Arthur Cotliar, Associate Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia

Michael Collins, Professor of Medicine, Columbia

Shai Davidai, Assistant Professor of Management, Columbia Business School

Flora Davidson, Professor Emerita of Political Science & Urban Studies, Barnard College

Richard Deckelbaum, Robert R. Williams Professor of Nutrition, CUIMC

Dorothy Denburg, Dean of the College Emerita, Barnard College

Mitchell Benson, Herbert and Florence Irving Professor of Urology

John Donaldson, Mario Gabelli Professor of Business, Columbia Business School

Alex Dranovsky, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, CUMC

Andrew Einstein, Associate Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Helen Towers, Associate Clinical Professor at CUMC, Columbia University

Noemie Elhadad, Associate Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University

Barry Farber, Professor of Counseling & Clinical Psychology, Teachers College, Columbia

David Sherman, Associate Professor of Medicine, Medical School

Seth Feltheimer, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine, Clinical associate professor

Irene Finel-Honigman, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, SIPA

Stuart Firestein, Professor of Biological Sciences, Faculty

Jacob Fish, Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, Chair

George P. Fletcher, Cardozo Professor of Law, Law school

Jessica Forman, DMSc Medicine, CUIMC

Richard Friedman, Associate Res Scientist/ Lecturer Cancer Center/Biomedical, CUIMC

Haim Gaifman, Professor of Philosophy, Columbia

Zvi Galil, Dean Emeritus of SEAS, Columbia University

Philip Genty, Everett B. Birch Clinical Professor in Professional Responsibility, Faculty

Michael Gerrard, Andrew Sabin Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Law School

Anne Gershon, Professor of Pediatrics, Vagilos P & S.

Michael D. Gershon, Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology, Vagelos College of P&S

Ronald Gilson, Stern Professor of Law and Business, Faculty

Henry Ginsberg, Irving Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Jane Ginsburg, Professor of Law, Columbia

Todd Gitlin, Professor of Journalism and Sociology, Columbia Journalism School

Paul Glasserman, Jack R. Anderson Professor of Business, Faculty

Michael Goldberg, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, VCP&S

Richard Goldberg, David Mahoney Professor of Brain and Behavior, RG

Victor Goldberg, Jerome L. Greene Professor of Transactional Studies, Emeritus, emeritus professor

Ari Goldman, Professor of Journalism, faculty

Rochelle Goldsmith, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Columbia University

Lisa Gordis, Ann Whitney Olin Professor of English, Barnard College

Jeffrey Gordon, Richard Paul Richman Professor of Law, Faculty

Zohar Goshen, Professor of Law Columbia, Employee

Linda Green, Professor Emerita of Business, faculty

Jared Kushner, Assistant Professor of Medicine, CUIMC

David A Greenberg, Professor Emeritus of Biostatistics, School of Public Health

Richard Greenwald, Adjunct Professor of EMPA, SIPA

Gabrielle Gross, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, Alumn

Jonathan Gross, Professor of Social Work, Columbia University

Eli Grunstein, Associate Professor of Otolaryngology, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Daniel Guetta, Associate Professor of Professional Practice, Columbia Business School

Israel Deutsch, Asst Professor of Radiation Oncology, CUIMC

Deborah Hasin, Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University Vagelos

Diana Heller, Laboratory Associate and past Adjunct Assistant Professor of Biology, Barnard College

Irving Herman, Armstrong Professor of Applied Physics, Chair of the Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, APAM,

SEAS, Columbia University

Hanina Hibshoosh, Professor of Pathology and Cell Biology ay CUIMC, Columbia University

Tory Higgins, Professor of Psychology, Columbia

Julia Hirschberg, Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University

Robert Hodrick, Nomura Professor Emeritus of International Finance, Columbia University

David Hoffman, Lecturer of Bioethics, Columbia -SPS

Ralph Holloway, Professor, Emeritus of Anthropology, Emeritus

Evelyn Horn, Professor of Medicine, CUMC

Glenn Hubbard, Russell L. Carson Professor of Economics and Finance, Columbia University

Allen Hyman, Professor Emeritus of Anesthesiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Joshua Hyman, Professor of Orthopedic, VP&S

Pavel Iserovich, Professor of Ophthalmology

Ben Zion Jacobs, Doctor of Urology, Assistant Professor

Jonathan Javitch, Lieber Professor of Experimental Therapeutics, CUIMC

Robert Jervis, Professor of Political Science, Columbia

Lillian Kaplan, Adjunct, Occupational Therapy

Arthur Karlin, Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics, College of Physicians & Surgeons

Richard Kay, Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine, Cardiology

David Kessler, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia University Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Elana Kirschbaum, Teacher NYC DOE, NYC DOE

Bruce Kogut, Professor of Business/Sociology, Columbia Business School and Sociology

LeRoy Rabbani, Professor of Cardiology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Donald Kornfeld, Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry, retired faculty

Marlon Rosenbaum, Director Adult Congenital Heart Disease, Associate Professor

Ehud Krongrad, Doctor of Pediatrics, Retired

Babi Kruchin, Lecturer of SPS, ALP

Rita Kukafka, Professor of Biomedical Informatics, Columbia University

Andrew Kupersmith, Doctor of Internal Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

Paul Kurlansky, Associate Professor of Surgery, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Geri Kushner, Director of Music, Music Institute of Long Island

Ira Lamster, Doctor of Dental Medicine, Dean emeritus

Jared Lander, Adjunct Assistant Professor of Decision, Risk, and Operations

OSCAR LEBWOHL, Professor of Medicine, P&S

Ainat Beniaminovitz, Doctor of Cardiology

Ronald Feldman, Ottman Centennial Professor and Dean Emeritus, School of Social Work

Martin Leon, Professor of Medicine, Columbia University

Michal Lipson, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Professor

Steve Mackey, Associate Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Arthur Magun, Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Tal Malkin, Professor of Computer Science, Columbia University

JOSEPH JOHN MANN, Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University

Glen Markowitz, Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

Petros Constantinos Mavroidis, Professor of Law, Professor

Thomas Merrill, Charles Evans Hughes Professor of Law, Professor of Law

Lincoln Mitchell, Adjunct Senior Research Scholar of War and Peace Studies, SIPA Faculty/GSAS Alumni

Joshua Mitts, Associate Professor of Law, Faculty

Tamar Mitts, Assistant Professor of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University

Henry Monaghan, Harlan Fiske Stone Professor Emeritus of Law, Columbia

Jeffrey Moses, John and Myrna Daniels Professor of Cardiology, Columbia

Martin Leib, Clinal Professor of Ophthalmology, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Sara Nash, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at CUIMC, Faculty VP&S

Gerald Navratil, Edison Professor of Applied Physics, School of Engineering and Applied Science

Oded Netzer, Arthur J. Samberg Professor of Business, Faculty

Alfred Neugut, Myron M. Studner Professor of Cancer Research, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Doron Nissim, Ernst & Young Professor of Accounting and Finance, Faculty

Melissa Stockwell, Associate Professor of Pediatrics and Population and Family Health, Mailman School of Public Health

Eugene Ornstein, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, College of Physicians and Surgeons

Martin Oster, Associate Professor of Medicine, Columbia Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Herbert Pardes, Exec. VP of the Board, NYP Administration, New York-Presbyterian/Columbia

Itsik Pe'er, Associate Professor of Computer Science, Systems Biology, SEAS, Columbia University

Justin Phillips, Professor of Political Science, Columbia University

Evan Picoult, Adjunct Professor of Decision, Risk, and Operations, Columbia Business School

Kathleen Pike, Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Richard Pious, Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Barnard College

Kenneth Prager, Professor of Medicine at CUMC, Vagelos College of P&S

Michael Muschel, Division of Cardiology, Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons

Judith Rabkin, Professor of Clinical Psychology in Psychiatry, retired

Andrzej Rapaczynski, Daniel G. Ross Professor of Law and Joseph Solomon Professor of Wills, Trusts, and Estate Planning, Columbia


Ruth Raphaeli-Slivko, Senior Lecturer of Middle East Studies, Retired Faculty

Alex Raskolnikov, Wilbur H. Friedman Professor of Tax Law, Columbia University

Lloyd Ratner, Professor of Surgery; Director - Renal & Pancreatic Transplantation, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

Lucius Riccio, Lecturer of International and Public Affairs, SIPA

Daniel Richman, Professor of Law, faculty

John Riskind, Professor of Psychology, George Mason University

Richard Robb, Professor of Professional Practice in International and Public Affairs, SIPA

Michael Rosen, Professor of Pharmacology and Pediatrics, CUIMC

Charles Halasz, Associate Clinical Professor of Dermatology, Columbia University Medical Center

David Dane, Assistant Clinical Professor

Gregg Rosner, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Columbia University P&S

Gorazd Rosoklija, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University

Steve Safier, Lecturer and Interim Program Director of Human Capital Management, Columbia University School of Professional Studies

Gabriel Sayer, Associate Professor of Medicine, CUIMC

Samuel Schacher, Professor Emeritus of Neuroscience, CUIMC

William Schechter, Professor of Anesthesiology/Pediatrics, VP&S

Neil Schluger, Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology, Mailman School of Public Health

Michael Schudson, Professor of Journalism, Columbia Journalism School

Elizabeth Scott, McCormack Professor of Law, Columbia

Robert Scott, Harold R. Medina Professor of Law, Professor

Sim Segal, Program Director & Sr. Lecturer in Discipline, ERM Program, Faculty

Jill Shapiro, Wallace S. Sayre Professor of Government and Professor of International and Public Affairs, Faculty

Peter Shapiro, Senior Lecturer of Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Biology, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Robert Shapiro, Professor of Psychiatry at CUMC, Columbia

Michael Shelanski, Professor, Sr. Vice-Dean for Research of Pathology and Cell Biology, Medical Center

Judah Weinberger, Special Lecturer of Medicine, CUIMC

Mitchell Silber, Adjunct Professor of International and Public Affairs, SIPA

Shonni Silverberg, Professor of Medicine, P&S

David Yao, Piyasombatkul Family Professor, Columbia Engineering

Jeremy Simon, Professor of Emergency Medicine at CUMC, Bachelot college of physicians and surgeons

Ethel Siris, Madeline C Stabile Professor of Medicine, CUMCArthur Smerling, Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia

Arthur Smerling, Professor of Pediatrics, Columbia

Michael Stanislawski, Nathan J. Miller Professor of Jewish Studies, Arts & Sciences

Susan Steinberg, Professor of Pharmacology, Professor of Pharmacology

Yaakov Stern, Professor of Neurology, CUIMC

Brent Stockwell, Professor of Biological Sciences, Columbia University

Ronald Silverman, Professor of Ophthalmic Science, CUIMC
Richard Stone, Professor Emeritus of Law, Professor Emeritus

Ira Tabas, Professor of Medicine, CUIMC

Felice Tager, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia

Hadassah Tamir, Professor of Psychiatry, retired

Robert Taub, Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

Joseph Tenenbaum, Professor of Medicine, Vagelos College of Physicians & Surgeons

Olivier Toubia, Glaubinger Professor of Business, Faculty

Warren Rosenblum, Assistant Professor of Medicine, CUIMC

Nir Uriel, Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

Milton Wainberg, Professor of Psychiatry, Columbia University

Haim Waisman, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, School of Engineering and Applied Science

Cheryl Waters, Professor of Neurology, Columbia University

Michael Weinberger, Associate Professor of Anesthesiology, Vp&s

Daniel Green, Assistant Professor of Pathology, Assistant Professor

Ofra Weinberger, Columbia Technology Ventures, Columbia University

Michael Weinstein, Professor of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, and Mathematics, Columbia University

Michael Weiss MD, Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Columbia University

Giora Weisz, Doctor of Medicine - Cardiology, Associate Professor of Medicine

Amy Werman, Lecturer in Discipline, School of Social Work

Warren Widmann, Special Lecturer of Surgery, Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons

Daniel Wolfenzon, Stefan H. Robock Professor of Finance and Economics Columbia, Professor

Eli Noam, Garrett Professor of Public Policy and Business Responsibility, Columbia Institute for Tele-Information

Keren Yarhi- Milo, Professor of Political Science and International and Public Affairs, Columbia

Assaf Zeevi, Professor of Business, Faculty

Lori Zeltser, Associate Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology, Columbia University Irving Medical Center

Gil Zussman, Professor of Electrical Engineering, School of Engineering and Applied Science

Allen Zweben, Professor of Social Work, Faculty